We’ve been through some rough times in our fair city in recent years. I’ll throw COVID as a possibility for setting the tone for our state of affairs—even though I think how we arrived to where we are now started happening before COVID. There is chaos, unrest, anxiety, division, anger, despair, and disrespect. There seem
I’m that weird person from the Midwest who loves winter. It all started with the 1980 Lake Placid Winter Olympics and the Miracle on Ice. My family hunkered around the 24-inch color tv set to cheer the US Ice Hockey team to victory over the USSR. Those games made me into a fan of winter
My mother had a flair for the traditional in home design and furniture choices. While I get nostalgic looking at family pics which include Early American furniture and patterns…I’m instinctively drawn to the simple and uncomplicated lines and graphic embellishments of modern styling. This includes but is not limited to Arts and Crafts, Danish Modern,
I have a lot of conversations about feet. With family, friends, soon-to-be-friends, and anyone who’s willing to take part in the discussion. I don’t have a foot fetish, but I do have (insert echo and amplifier here) “BUNIONS” so I’m a watcher of feet if not so much for the observation of foot health—but to see
One of my favorite graphic designers is a fairly well known musician from an “almost famous” band. As weird as this may sound, I’ve never seen his graphic design work, but if I base my judgement on his music composition and his guitar playing skills, I’d guess he’s a pretty good designer. I’ve heard him talk
As a STL city resident, it’s a quick drive from my house to the Missouri Botanical Garden, AKA, Shaw’s Garden. Going to the garden is one of my weekend rituals. It’s my sanctuary after grinding it for five consecutive days or more with my eyeballs glued to a monitor and my body the shape of
St. Louis is well known for a few things, at least us native STL’s think so. We have a rich cultural history which began WAY before the French settled here in the late 1600’s. Each group has left their mark in an iconic way, shape or form and I’ll talk about those legacies another time.
It’s a hot and steamy September Sunday in St. Louis. The weather people are predicting a high of 96° which means our fair Red Birds and their tenacious fans will be doing what it takes to stay cool on the field and in the seats tonight after Busch Stadium baked in the city oven all day.